By RennieLorca
Date: 2004 May 21
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rolling across all reason
bowling ball moon winks
at me tonight, in season

flat-out open, half blinks
myself, commits treason
upon soul bound in links

stale airs, never pleasin'
going out for lime drinks
pulls me close in teasin'

sends me off for 40 winks
a thirsty and still needin'
this craziness for shrinks

think I'd think, a weedin'
being within him, thinks
wasn't what he's feedin'

making my head, it stinks
feeling moonblue seedin'
digging us outta hijinxs

mooncrazy, blue deedin'
him more of myself, inks
a line more, wordbleedin'

(c) 2004 Rennie Lorca