By it dosent matter
Date: 2004 May 29
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what would thee have....

what would thee have of one
wounded words to kiss away
softly in the night
gentle caress bespoken of
memories yet to be
would thee have a life with me
dance pon the skin of twinkled stars
whilst mist gathers warm, dark, deep
hidden bowers for a simple touch
lip to lip... embers sparked... lit
fire within this... blaze... roar
inhibitions spirited away
the softness of yours with the course of mine
naked this touch
twixt the two of we
whilst all surrounds
yet hidden are we
in our bower of mist
bright pon nighted air
darkness our very friend
as we touch so very deep
one to another
and soft as the mists slowly fades
gentlest of kiss
strangers once more
we part...