By The Rocket Powered Vampire
Submitted by RocketPoweredVampire
Date: 2004 Jun 19
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Bye Bye Beautiful

I miss you, I sit there lying awake, eyes waiting to close, thinking of you again. You haunt me in my dreams and posess me in my visions. The future. I want to have a future with you there. It's cold today babes, cloudy grey over cast skies. I wait for the day when the cold will be warmed your gentle hugs and soft touches. I dreamt this morning about you. We sat there in a booth at the pizzeria, my friends talking to Kari at a round table, the smell of pizza in the air. People laughing everywhere. We were looking at Kari from afar in our little booth. She seems to make a great impression on my friends. Simple times at simple places....and I fall for you again,  I can't get you out of my mind. We sat there, your hands caressing mines, a little quiet a little shy. I place my hand on your thigh. You smiled at me making me feel so comfortable being with you and I was comfortable. My fingers shyly poking and scratching... You then started to rub my hair then and there I knew I was yours... in life I'm already yours....