By wistful
Date: 2004 Jun 29
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The Color of the Sky

What is the color of the sky tonight?  Black is such a simple word to describe that richness that envelops me.  Midnight blue seems trite.  Anyway, it's too warm to call blue.   And too comforting for that regal label of "purple".  How deeply ripe can plum become? I see it in all colors instead of just one: layered thickly together so that you can only sense them, not see them.  And sharply inversed in that sky is a single point of searing light, which seems at once to rush forward and hang gently in this endless swirling field.  Before I am completely swept away in this vortex of depth and warmth and forever, I pull back, back, back... far enough to see the loving eye that surrounds my sky tonight.