Date: 2004 Jul 06
Comment on this Work

The Second Time

I remember.

We were 17
and foolishly thought that
Love is better the second time around.

You pulled me into your best friend's room,
and gave me one of those silly contracts.
I signed the silly card, gave you a silly look,
and folded the silly card neatly in my wallet.
It was official.
At that moment, we belonged to each other.
We had a document to prove it.

Then you held my hand.
Do you know that you have the softest hands?
You do.
It had been a year since we last held hands,
and somehow, at that moment,
in your best friend's bedroom,
with a silly card saying that we were meant to be,
it felt right to just hold hands.
We didn't suck face like we would have done in the past.
We just held hands.
You have the softest hands.

And now that I am older,
and our contract is lost in a shoe box full of letters,
I wish that I could just hold your soft hands one more time.

You didn't kiss me that day-
Although I really wanted you to.
You just held my hand.
And because of that,
I truly believed that
Love was better the second time around.