By Kase!
Date: 2004 Jul 06
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Love Hurts? Corset does

   I got it on sale.  It was a hot black and red number, complete with matching thong and thigh highs. My first corset.  It was the type of lingerie that you only wear for a few minutes, and you have the most fun after it's taken off.  I already had visions of a hot, steamy all nighter dancing in my head.
   I couldn't wait to surprise my man at bedtime.  I did the usual routine women follow when they're planning on a romantic evening.  A long hot bath with my expensive body wash, you know, the good stuff you save for special nights, and used all of my "good" lotions and smell good things.  Everything that needed to be shaved was softer than a baby's rear.
   Feeling the anticipation mounting, I got into the thigh highs and thong and checked the mirror.  Not too bad, if I do say so myself!  Now came time for the corset.  Examining it closer, I noticed that there were about fifty hook-and-eye closures.  (the same kind found on the back closures of bras) Hmmm. I couldn't put it on and fasten all those hooks, so I decided to try to be creative. I turned the corset around and fastened the hooks in the front, then twist it around the right way.  Bad move on my part.
   Once about three forths of the corset was fastened, I started to get claustrophobic.  I couldn't breath and the thing was so tight that it would only slide half way around my torso. Shit.  The sexy mood began to evaporate. Quickly, I might add, was my air supply.  I tried to undo the hooks, but there was no give. Shit again.
   All I could do was lay on the bed and yell for boyfriend.  He's watching Soprano's and tries to give me the third degree about what I want when I say "come here!"
Men.  He finally, as quick as a sloth, makes his way to the bedroom, looks at me, and proceeds to attempt to put himself in an early grave.  Death by laughter.  If I could have spoke, I would have told him where to go.  My face is blue by now, and he finally releases me.
   Now I'm even thinking of burning my bras because of my fear of those damn hooks.