By wordley Date: 2004 Aug 23 Comment on this Work [[2004.]] |
Rain.....what do you know? that grew in mist, Never saw the sun, only felt its warmth draw your vapour Into that shrouded, clouded world... But then... Came that day when further airey suspension was impossible and you fell...down through opaque frontiers, down to clearer space.... And Then.... You burst into my world from above, glorious and twinkling in the slanted sun light, your colourless heart exploding in a rainbow of beauty.... And now... In one brief moment of glory you diplay all that is good and right, your form is perfect, you reflect the light and warmth of love....then you're gone... So.... I sit and watch the rain often, for it reminds me of you, each little perfect sphere, a mirror in which I see your face, but is then lost down the gutter of time... Must go... It's started to rain, and perhaps if I wish hard enough, I may see your face in reality just once more, and not in those pearls of pain... |