By Isabella Svenska
Submitted by Isabella Svenska
Date: 2004 Aug 30
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The Alone Defense

Being alone isn't terrifying
or a living hell...
or a term in your life you have to defend
In most cases, it's freeing
cathartic, refreshing and self-evolving
Couples, whether married or just cohabitating
always have this mannerism when they inquire
about your constant "single status"
and with this questioning technique comes
the incorporation of the head-tilt while nodding
and giving you those sad, hopeful eyes, almost
like someone has died and they are consoling you.
It goes something like this:
Imagine the scene, dinner party, among close friends,
perhaps just like a scene from Bridget Jones' Diary
where you're seated with several couples and you're the token singleton

THEM: So, are you seeing anyone special?

ME: No.  Not really.

THEM: I wish I knew someone I could set you up with - but everyone I know is married or taken.

ME: That's ok.  I don't mind being single.

THEM: (looking at you like you have two heads) You'll meet someone.

ME: (Nods head - no verbal response)

THEM:It always happens when you're not looking, you know.

ME: Well, I'm actually not looking. I'm quite happy right now.

THEM: Well, that's good.  That'll actually be ready when someone special comes along. (Grins hopefully and holds back hugging me)

ME: Maybe.  I'm alone.  Not lonely.  There is a difference.

THEM: Oh, that's good.  (Eyeing who else they can chat with and feeling uncomfortable that you're not wallowing in your own self-depricating pity party that they are hopeful they are discovering at that moment)

ME: Will you please excuse me?

I think I baffle all couples, who secretly envy me because they haven't mastered how to be alone.  I think I make them question deep down why they settled.  Sometimes, I think couples want to couple me up because they want me to be as miserable as they are...or maybe they just think it's their duty to sell me a membership.  Honestly, I belonged to that club before and the dues didn't outweigh the benefits.