By iLYd
Date: 2004 Aug 31
Comment on this Work

Learning to express

Why is it I sit and write, but can never
say to your face what I feel is right
My weakest link is of quick thoughts, I find
myself afterwards thinking through what was said
Only to find no answers and always still thinking of
why didn't I say that or this
You are special to me and why do I argue and get upset
I guess because I care and want your approval but
most of the time I come up short in my acceptance
Together we work, together we struggle, but together I always want it to be, the sharing of thoughts and the moments of strife are things that make friendship and love what it's suppose to be.  I loved the article you gave me and I have shared it with others.  Your gentle side showed yesterday and I want to be in that with you for as long as you will let me.