By mytwocents
Date: 2004 Oct 03
Comment on this Work


I am well aware that this is a poetry site.
And a romantic one at that.

I have never submitted any poetry on here.

But I did think that the Ancient Poetry forms
was interesting - and appropriate for people
that are trying to articulate their poems
and poetry styles.

So I thought my sharing Hebrew poetry forms
might be interesting and helpful.

Sorry B.k. if I have offended you.

It appears that everyone here offends you
at one time or another, so I will take it
with a grain of salt.

My Kingdom Government Political comments I do
reserve for the political comments board,
as you have observed.  I never put my political
comments out here

Is there anything you don't hate except for Kerry ?

You are a bully here - but are you like that in real life too ?

You seem to be a very angry person that vents out a
lot of venemous vibes here and on the political board.
I guess we all have to vent somewhere.

But are you like this all the time ?

Just wondering.

