By spirial
Date: 2004 Oct 21
Comment on this Work

to vent...

Belief...what is that
To believe lol k
165 F was the heat
day after day
yet we worked in that hell
still do
explosions common place
other times a ships hull
separating you from
hurricane force
typhoon blows
listening to thickened metal
flex... bend...
even us who cant ... prayed...
children in our garbage
yet our waste was the best
they ever had to eat
whores treat you as god
for the families they try to feed
and yet
they are people not animals
of different types
and we complain
and I laugh
for it hurts
far too much to cry
tell me your hurts
I'll slowly tell you mine
Take within a kilo of your hate
To mix gently with
The metric tons of mine