By Ali
Date: 2004 Oct 31
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Softly Falling

The lonely, lovely lyrics
Of a song overgrown with time,
Comprised of notes that have long since
Ceased to echo--their perfect pitch
And harmony have ended.
Still, sometimes the words weep softly, unheard
But not unremembered, simply
Another measured bar of silence,
Collecting underneath a fine layer of unuse--
The softly falling dust of the heart.
The sheet music no longer offers mystery,
As the once hopeful melody
Has no more secrets to convey--
The tune may be all too familiar
But remains untouched, unplayed,
Quietly abandoned. Convention
Has long since worn out its welcome,
And the song, written with such care,
Is merely a trifle that bears no resemblance
To today--call it a one-hit wonder of sorts.
But the lyrics still exists, the notes
Still persevere, though silent--
They still bear the same honest meaning,
And I wonder, perhaps, if I
Sing the song again, this once,
If your heart might stop to hear.