By President George W. Bush
Submitted by Lolly Gaggin
Date: 2004 Nov 02
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Why you should vote for me today

I am running for president with a clear and positive plan to build a safer world and a more hopeful America. My record demonstrates the consistent and principled leadership our nation needs in these challenging times. I ran for president four years ago with an ambitious agenda for America's future, and I have kept my commitments. With bipartisan support, we passed the No Child Left Behind Act -- the most sweeping education reform in generations. Now states are setting higher standards for schools, parents have more options for their children's education, and student achievement is rising.
I also promised to lower taxes, and the tax relief we passed has delivered financial relief to more than 111 million Americans. A family of four with a $40,000 income has seen taxes reduced by more than $1,900. Families and small businesses are using that money to move our economy forward. In the past 13 months, we have created more than 1.9 million new jobs.

We added a prescription drug benefit to Medicare. Millions of seniors are saving thanks to Medicare drug discount cards. And in 2006, every senior in Medicare will be eligible for a voluntary prescription drug benefit that could save them as much as 75% off the cost of prescription medication.

Our nation has also faced challenges we did not expect. We endured the worst terrorist assault in our history, and the vicious attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, affected every American. As I stood in the ruins of the World Trade Center's twin towers, I vowed that I would do whatever it takes to defend America.

To keep our communities safe, I strengthened our homeland defenses and created the Department of Homeland Security. First-responders have received billions more dollars for training and equipment. The Patriot Act is helping intelligence and law enforcement agencies work together to track down terror cells and prevent terrorist attacks.

'America is safer today'

We are staying on the offense against the enemy. Our armed forces acted swiftly and courageously, deposing the Taliban in Afghanistan. We liberated millions of oppressed men, women and children. In October, the Afghan people -- including more than 3 million women -- voted in free and democratic elections for the first time in their history. And to date, three-quarters of al-Qaeda's known leaders have been captured or killed.

In Saddam Hussein, we saw a unique threat. We pursued diplomatic solutions through the United Nations, but when repeated attempts at diplomacy failed, we acted to end the threat Saddam posed. Some 30 nations, including Great Britain, Australia, Poland and Italy, joined us. We were right to take action, and America is safer today with Saddam Hussein in prison.

As we pursue terrorists across the globe, we are also promoting freedom, hope and democracy in the broader Middle East. By supporting reform and democracy, we gain allies in the war on terror and help defeat the despair and hopelessness that feed terror.

This will make America safer.

We have made tremendous progress in only four years, but there is still more we can do in the years to come. My opponent and I have fundamentally different views about how to lead America.

'My opponent would raise taxes'

I believe the government should help people improve their lives, not try to run their lives. I support efforts to keep taxes low, so families and small businesses keep more of their own money to spend and save as they see fit. My opponent would raise taxes on millions of American families and small-business owners.

I support litigation reform to lower the cost of health care and protect small businesses. My opponent has fought efforts to reduce frivolous litigation.

My health care plan would promote accessible health care that leaves decisions in the hands of patients and doctors -- not the federal government. My opponent would enact the largest expansion of government-run health care in history. It would cost taxpayers at least $1.2 trillion and move 8 million people from private insurance to government-run care.

My opponent has no plan to strengthen Social Security. As long as I am president, older Americans can count on Social Security, and I want to give our children and grandchildren the option of saving in a personal account and building a nest egg the government can never take away.

Our biggest difference is found in our approach to the war on terror. I will always make America's security my top priority. Sen. Kerry would be satisfied if terrorism were just a "nuisance." And he would insist on passing a "global test" that would give foreign leaders more influence over America's security. That's not the right leadership for these dangerous times.

The problem with Sen. Kerry's record on national security goes deeper than election-year flip-flopping. On the largest national security issues of our time -- from the Cold War to the Gulf War to the war on terror -- the senator has been consistently and dangerously wrong.

Americans face an important decision today -- a decision that will determine the security and prosperity of the American people. For nearly four years, I have acted to promote opportunity and protect the safety of my fellow citizens. I ask for your vote to build on the good work we have begun.