By Violet
Date: 2004 Nov 03
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migration of emotion

early morning
he leans against the wood post and feels the steady pressure between his shoulder blades
facing east
under a sheet of sinewy fog
as ducks skim the water

there are hundreds of them
mallards, widgeons and canvas backs
their bodies speckle the surface
while light gleams in ribbons of soft color
among the ripples they create

it is so quiet here
that he feels small
his existence is diminished against the frame of nature
yet his thoughts are somehow amplified

moments pass
until suddenly the sky erupts
canada geese as far as the eye can see
the sound is deafening
wings beating, birds calling out directions to one another
they struggle into akward formations

he turns and looks around him
no camera to capture the scene
no one to share it with
he considers her for a moment
and the desire to fight for her begins to grow

maybe people are like swans
they have one mate for life
if they lose that mate, they lose everything

the wet grass whips around his ankles
as he makes way back to his truck
he is renewed
a still peace has collected in his chest

the clouds hang thick and low
but allow some sun to sift through
diffusion of light
relfection of hope