By juan d'fule
Date: 2004 Nov 06
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Last night, in the remnants of the summer's day
You were dressed in a red orange sunset
Walking beside me as we dreamt,
Longing for our bright fated future together,
And we walked along the beach warm;
Still warm its Sugar white sand
Insistent waves crashing exploring our feet
Your soft hand nests like a baby bird in mine
And your beautiful blonde hair flowing
Streaming behind you in this welcoming Ocean breeze;
The beach was empty,
Save a few other couples in the distance they;
Framed by the Kleine blue sky
Accompanied by the bawdy song of the seabird,
A staccato tattoo tenor drum in the air
Stalled time now we stood facing each other,
Your eyes in mine, bodies moving together
With the breeze and the satiny swish of the sea
In a dance
To a song
That has played
Since life was a sea of soup
Then you rest your head lightly on my shoulder
And my hand holds to the back of your head
I whisper to you soft as a breeze
All the reasons why I will never live without you
And for a while, all the world and its complications
Disappear, for our world is a simple one
And while we are together
We are complete.