By Galadrial
Date: 2004 Nov 09
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answer to ache

Getting used to the new way,
words without sound---
but never nerveless touch,
no that is ever the same
and I can feel you close over the night,
stretch the miles into mist
and slide beneath duvet dreams
nestled close to my skin.

I should hunger for your hard,
but somehow just touch will do
no tonight I do not need the heat,
but yes,
I still need you pressing near.

Sleep where I can reach you,
feather fingers over your brow,
soft hands sliding to chest,
cupping you with sweet calm.

I want to learn the puzzle of your skin,
while you sleep unawares,
and murmur forbidden words
I dare not speak to your eyes.

I should want you to fill me,
to give way under that feel,
but tonight I want only an answer
to the deep ache of wanting you,
that never seems to fade.