By courtney
Date: 2004 Nov 14
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Never Regret

I never thought
you were the type to break me-
never expected I'd be subject
to your heart's decline
for something as "small"
as my own

You will never know
how far I've come
how many men have tested
my strength-
the things that have made me
the way I am today

I never meant to hurt you
never meant to make you
how amazing you truly are

I have never believed I was
anything more
than a piece of ass
a naive girl to take advantage of
a soul to invade
and get what you could from-
a fuck up.

And now
I've lost you-
the only one
I believed in
was proud of
found peace with...

I know I will never
forget you
the way you laughed
how your eyes lit up when you looked at
how we talked about nothing
and were satisfied
how your skin felt next to mine...

I know it was something-
eventhough it was short lived
and turbulent
and questioned
on both sides

I will never forget the comfort
I will never forget the strength
you gave me
to see my faults and try to fix them
I will never forget the
and kisses
that went through me like
I will never forget
or regret