Date: 2005 Feb 04
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The Mistress

All along I thought she was your mistress
the girl that stole your heart away from me
I see pictures of the two of you
with that stupid haircut of yours that I completed hated
but remember so clearly in my head
because I made fun of you for weeks
And I see that she has pictures of you with the same haircut
in the same park you used to take me to
Holding you the I way I hold you
and it makes me think that I'm bulimic
because I keep throwing up so much
But I'm not.  I eat too much chocolate.
Yet there you are, playing like two teenagers,
even though you're grown and oh God you even have a kid
And I hate her for having the life I've always wanted.
I hate you for giving her that life when all along,
you promised me the same things.

When all along I thought I saw love in those eyes,
I was merely hanging onto a love that was never mine.
When all along I thought you were the man of my dreams
the real mistress in your life was, sadly, me.