By darwin
Date: 2005 Mar 09
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i've wanted to play it safe too often.  to toe the line, and come out clean and squeaky. i tell people that i don't like confrontation, but there are these moments after one, that i feel more alive then before. sometimes i even start them, condescending and all.  i take evil pleasure in stealing that last piece of pizza off the cardboard.  i've lied to lovers and to family, but mostly to myself.  i lie that i'm happy with my place in life, my job, my body.  i dream of running off to london one day, london because i only speak english.  i'm too wimpy to try for germany or france.  and i would do it all, i would hit the next plane, but there you are.  you are this amazing constant in my life, this anchor that keeps me wise, keeps me honest and keeps me here.  i stay because i know that without all these frail excuses, i wouldn't have you the most important thing ever in my life. i even let you have the last piece of pizza.  i keep myself nice and safe, because i know what being polite is now.  there may not be anymore colors or fanfare, but i see this rainbow every time you come into my line of sight.  i would live a million days in this drawn cold world, telling people the gods honest truth, if it meant i'd wake up next to you in the morning.