By Galadrial
Date: 2005 Mar 23
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pages and pages

If you ever wondered
where I went when we were
in less than sweet repose,
when the past became a dragon
you needed to slay
just to get past your average day,
I found comfort in pages
not a best seller---
just committing the same sins
on different sheets,
these were white---
decorated only with the traces
that we could leave safely.
Pages and pages of desire unspoken,
dreams unshared,
making some order of splendid chaos,
maybe even hoping to give berth
to a too mortal love,
to oil the waters to calm
that never knew still with us.
Undercurrents spilling to pleasure,
promises made in haste---
Pages and pages until I needed
a place to put us neatly
or risk going unquietly insane.
So i did not wrap it with a scarlett ribbon,
did not stamp it with pomp and sealing wax
to give it importance,
but I sent you the pages
where we lived when I was needing a place
to just be where you were in me.