By RedPlasticRoses
Date: 2005 Apr 26
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Do you remember much about your early teen years?  Specifically, I am asking, do you remember much about observing adults in love during this time of your life?

I was always very mature for my age, the oldest girl, I had adult responsibilities before most of my friends and I often preferred the company of older adults. I grew up a cradle Catholic in a home where sex was never mentioned, except that one suddenly became "pg" when God decided it was time to have a baby. And "good girls" wait until they are married.  I suppose there is a turning point where one decides to "wait" or to explore.  I remember the night that I decided waiting was not good.........  and perhaps it was the greatest joy on earth that was being touted as "bad'?
My best friend and I had "borrowed" a few books from her mother's under-the-bed stash and decided we would not wait - we feared, as those books confirmed, that waiting makes one a cold, frigid woman and the women in the novels were insatiable.  We used to glean those books finding the "good parts" then trying to figure out what a woman in the middle, between "good" and "bad" would be like and if that was even possible. Sex was very mysterious and love even more so.

My best friends had older sisters, some graduating from high school and some in college.  We watched and observed them......... but they were not the ones who left a lasting impression on me.

August 1969 - age 15
I spent two weeks on a family vacation with my best friend accompanying me. My family rented a cabin on the beach of Lake Huron, nothing fancy, actually it was gross but it was our home for those two weeks, while we visited both sets of my grandparents who lived in that small village. My best friend and I had the run of the town...a sleepy little village of three downtown blocks, where everyone already knew us, they remembered my parents and claimed I looked exactly like my father, so we knew, no matter what, we were being watched. We were still "good girls" and would be for years before we discovered "it",but we were beginning to realize love was more than romance novels and already we were observing adults in love who were looking for substance.

It was the summer of love, the weekend of Woodstock- three days of peace, love, and music amidst the horrors of the Vietnam War - two years after the horrible summer of race riots.  

It was a summer consumed in an enthusiastic search of eros - one sultry summer night remains etched on my soul.
I was much too young and innocent to really appreciate the richness of  that particular evening but nonetheless,  it made an impression on me, one that has shaken me many times during the middle of the night over the years...... perhaps that evening was  a glimpse into my future. The older I became the more I understood that night, the more I  lived it, the more it consumed me, to the point I am not sure where it ended and I began.  Now, I live those memories in my dreams and in my heart.

As we walked back from the beach after sun down, one cabin was lit only by candles - lots of candles. It was well decorated, artsy -  Johnny Mathis was playing on her small box phonograph, the type I had as a child.  Her door was open and she called to us as we walked bye.  I loved Johnny Mathis, my friend's much older sister, a homecoming queen, used to listen to him while she was primping for her dates and he reminded me of her.

"Hello girls, how was the water?  What a great night for a swim!  No boys on the beach tonight?"

We thought, perhaps she knew where to find the boys and stopped to talk to her.

"Come in, don't worry about the sand, just come in and tell me how your week is going. I used to summer here at your age and always found the boys of summer."

We went in to talk to her, trying to find out where the boys were.  She offered us fresh squeezed lemonade and a seat at the table.  To her left was an easel with some paint smeared on a large canvas.

"This is where I lost my inspiration, this is a sign of other things in your life rising to the top for attention, much like the crème does.  You are too young to understand this concept but someday you might...... someday you may think of me telling you this.......telling you that when the "crème rises to the top", there are lessons there, you notice it... you need to stop what you are doing and tend to it.....until you do, it will smother you and you will accomplish nothing."

We both looked at each other, wondering if she was drunk or if she was just an aging hippy or just wise beyond her years.
At any rate, we liked her, she saw a value in us and we enjoyed her uniqueness.

"I have no children, no lover, I never married.  I came close once" she said as she looked out over the lake, like a widow searching for her husband to return from sea.

"When I say close, I mean I should have taken inventory of what I had in that man, I should have changed my life to be with him, to put us first... but I was just too feisty, too self-absorbed, don't make that mistake... don't think you will find a second gem.  I tell you, if I had my life to live over again, it would be so different."  

She was warm and generous of spirit and had eyes that looked into our souls as she spoke.  By most standards, she was not a beautiful woman but she had a radiant beauty about her, wrapped in her reverence for life and love.  In her eyes, for the first time, I saw a wounded soul and even at my young age, I understood it. Perhaps that is why I know that look when I encounter it.

She was a teacher who spent her summers at the lake, in the same cabin she once shared with him, the man in many of the photos around her cabin. Her cabin, while just as old, was not as gross, it was  filled with art, photos of them, music, plants, sea shells, jars of sand with the date written on driftwood stuffed inside the jar and art supplies, lots of art supplies.

She was larger than life and a fairy godmother of sorts....... I felt our paths were meant to cross.  The spiritual side of her intrigued us... She no longer attended mass and was not struck down by God, the way we feared we would be punished. She was the one who convinced me that people could be spiritual - good, kind, decent, loving people without ever walking into a church and live a good life, one that touches the hearts of others. It was that summer that I stopped attending church and labeled myself "spiritual" - in search of something more, something I always thought must exist..... something more appealing than organized religion.  She gave us books to read...with the promise we would pass them on...... not hoard them.  

"Life is all about sharing, you need to realize that the universe is abundant, share your gifts and they will return to you".

This woman oozed love of her fellow man......... we both felt it and were mesmerized by her, her goodness and the sorrow that lived inside of her.

She was past her prime
Back then I'd guess she was "old"
mid-forties, perhaps older
She sat on the opposite side of the table
sipping her white wine
nibbling on cheese
fondling a pomegranate with  both hands
ever so  gently
as if it were part of her lover's body
That intrigued me.

As she spoke to us ever so softly
she would pause
lift it to her nose
Inhale the scent deeply
with her eyes shut
then slowly open them
gazing at the beautiful
fruit out of season

"Do you know what this is?"
she asked, her eyes soft with tears
I shook my head
I had no idea
the fullness of the fruit
the color
the crown
all appealed to me
it  was unusual and lovely

She softly continued
"this is the symbol of love
this is what Eve couldn't resist
nor could Adam
it wasn't a damn apple
it was this
this beautiful pomegranate
it truly is the fruit of lovers

Again, she lifted it to her nose
inhaled deeply
closed her eyes
kissed it ever so gently
licking it now and then
I swear she was kissing her lover's
most private parts
I felt I should leave
on her phonograph
Johnny Mathis was singing
The Twelfth of Never
she pressed her finger to her lips
"Listen to the words..."

"You ask me how much I need you, must I explain?
I need you, oh my darling, like roses need rain
You ask how long I'll love you,
I'll tell you true Until the Twelfth of Never,
I'll still be loving you

Hold me close, never let me go
Hold me close, melt my heart like April snow

I'll love you 'til the bluebells forget to bloom
I'll love you 'til the clover has lost its perfume
I'll love you 'til the poets run out of rhyme
Until the Twelfth of Never and that's a long, long time

Until the Twelfth of Never and that's a long, long time"

As the song ended
she opened her eyes
tears were streaming down her cheeks
and then ours too
she apologized for crying
"those words  always get to me...
they speak to me
telling  me that the right love
is worth waiting for
even if you wait forever".

we were speechless
her soul was obviously wounded
by 'him' the man in the photos
"I spent my summers here
waiting for him to walk in the door
waiting for a second chance at love."

You must have really loved him

Yes, I did but I've come to realize
it was with him that I had
my first taste of love,
he is not the one I long for

he is not the one who
makes the cream rise to the top
of my day
he is not the one who consumes my thoughts

She tells us she longs for her soul mate
the one who knows her inside and out
and loving accepts her
as she accepts him.

the one who holds her hand
as they walk into the future
hand in hand
heart to heart
their souls intermingled
radiating joy and love

Does one really exist?
I ask quietly
She returns to her gaze to us
Oh yes, your soul mate exists
they're not like leprechauns
or the tooth fairy
Spirit provides them
when we are pure of heart
Do you understand?

I was listening intently
Memorizing her every word

He won't just appear
you have to prepare
yourself and your heart
to love unconditionally
to make the time
to cherish that love
or you will lose it
without a second chance
Do you understand?

I am not sure if she is crazy
but I know I am listening
hanging on her every word
the longing in her eyes
the pureness in her heart
as she speaks of her soul mate
makes me long for mine

How will you know him
when you see him, I ask

She grabs my hand with both of hers
and looks into my eyes
listen to me
understand this
she sighs and closes her eyes.......
you will know
you will feel him
long before you see him
You will just know
you will know he exists
you will know he is the answer
to your longing
your search
your sleepless nights
your chest splits open
exposing your heart
for the first time in your life
you have no fear
you know, really know
it is safe from harm
it is wrapped in love
your longing, your prayers
will be answered

You are young
but you should know
all of us meet lovers
on our path through life
who may be disguised as "the one"
or are just plain wrong for us
they are lessons
without those heartaches
we would not appreciate our gem
our gift
she continues
I will wait
Until the Twelfth of Never
for my soul mate to appear
I feel him
In my dreams I see him
he is bringing me the fruit
of lovers
the pomegranate

She stops talking
lovingly she again fondles
the pomegranate
as if rubbing it would make
her soul mate appear

Have you ever tasted one?
We shake our heads
then you shall
you shall taste the fruit of love
she sliced it open
as she prepared it
she continued talking
pomegranates are mentioned
in the Song of Solomon
the most erotic offering of the bible
singing the joy of a strong sexual relationship
some cultures buried their dead surrounded
with pomegranates
To me, they are the fruit
To be given and shared with a soul mate
the juice, like true love
leaves a lasting mark

She hands each of us a quarter of the pomegranate
she says as she watches our eyes
sticky juice is oozing over my fingers
the sweet fragrance makes my mouth water
the flesh is beautiful
but loaded with seeds
I stop to pick out the seeds
she touches my hand and stops me
Oh no, this is the fruit of lovers
you eat the seeds
they are the real offering of the fruit
in silence we consume the seeds
one by one
as she instructs us
to close our eyes
feel the gelatinous coating
on the slippery seed
then bite through it
letting its flavor
spill onto our tongues
as we savor the unique
taste of love

She smiles at me
someday you will remember this day
and fully understand
but for now
promise me
you will never consume
another pomegranate
until you find "the one"
your soul mate

Now you have tasted the fruit of love
long for the taste
as you long for him
surround yourself with pomegranates
as a symbol of your longing
your need
your desire
hold them
inhale deeply
ask Spirit
to bring him to you
in your dreams
so you may feel his presence
before you see his face
when he arrives
bearing a pomegranate
you will savor the fruit
and juice of love together
I promise you
your longing will be worth the wait

That was many years ago.... Over the years I came to understand the yearning that consumes me from time to time......... as my " cream rises to the top"... I too have had days where I was just worthless......... searching, longing soul smoldering, unable to concentrate, knowing that nothing is more important than finding my soul mate. Like her, these moods block my creativity, my energy and consume my nights. So often, in my longing, I have thought of her words, her kindness, her sage advice, and wondered if she ever tasted another pomegranate  or if I will ever have another taste of the fruit of love.