By Crystal
Date: 2005 Apr 27
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My world was so very dark,
but no other would have known.
A wine-bar storyteller,
lit up everyone's life but my own.

I was scared, perplexed but passionate,
yet, ran from passion's desire.
Rarely did others see my tears,
only a soft-spoken smile.

You tuned my soul, struck the chords of my spirit,
and played a heart-wrenching song.
You turn my imperfections into qualities
that remain strong.

I began to forget how hearts get torn,
and the reasons to push others away.
I stopped holding back, started giving in,
and placed my feelings on display.

All from your gentle ways,
and the consideration you've shown,
I'm now a wine-bar storyteller,
illuminating everyone's life,
including my own.