By mandilove
Date: 2005 May 10
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The Birds Can't Keep Up

This mood is beautiful -
it's positively phenomenal.
I feel exuberant -
I feel like I own
the trees, and the
birds simply can't
keep up.
My euphoria controls
what I want to say -
controls what I do
say.  Somehow you've
beaten my nature -
you've won this game -
you've won my heart.
I'll never tell you,
not for a while.
But for now, I'll smile at you
whenever you pass by me
intentionally brushing my side.
I'll make catty eyes; I'll trace
the contour of your face -
I'll want you - that
you can know.
This mood is beautiful;
the birds can't keep up;
I cannot be knocked down.
For once, I can feel
my soul; I can feel it
beaming through my skin,
dancing with my bones.
You've penetrated
the Great Wall of China.
Congratulations, I could not
be more thrilled
by defeat.