By mae
Submitted by naturalbornkillerblonde
Date: 2005 Jun 04
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5 days & 6 nights

Sounds like a vacation package.
Well it is.... sorta.
The kids leave for church camp tonight.
I look forward to it every year.  It's the only break I get having them 24/7.
They've blossomed into high maintenance, money grubbing, boy crazy, makeup & curling irons, movies & the mall, on the phone all the time, Algebra failing drama queens.
Thus year is different.
I have 5 days & 6 nights to gather my wits about me.
To get out of this funk of despair & loneliness that's overwhelmed & consumed me.  
That's made me lose sight of what's important in life.
To get back to that place where not being married to "the wiener" anymore was the epitome of happiness.
I have 5 days & 6 nights to reorganize & prioritize my finances & responsibilities.
To wax my car, shampoo the living room furniture and hang my first picture in my own house that I've been in for a year already.
I have 5 days & 6 nights to shoot some pool with Bud & Jose
and to get over you.