By ~Harem~
Date: 2005 Jun 10
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'Hope' is a Four-Letter Word

Hope is such a small word.
It only has four letters.
And yet, small words, like some small people,
can be more powerful than you'd ever think.
Hope draws imaginations of what could be,
what should be, and what is yet to come.
The desire of wanting is so much stronger
than the fulfillment of having.
It kind of reminds me of something my father
once said to me, when giving me some fashion advice.
"The less to be seen, the more to be desired."
Not only can this pertain to flesh and skimpy skirts,
but to the whole spectrum of lusts and longings,
and wants and belongings.  Yes, our hopes and desires
go beyond our thoughts and attires,
They take our minds to exotic places and give us
the power to dream and aspire above the clouds,
beyond the realm of love.