By ~Harem~ Date: 2005 Jun 10 Comment on this Work [[2005.]] |
Remember when it only took the glimpse of a woman's ankle to stir the passions of a man. It was the parts of a woman that she kept hidden, that aroused his thoughts to unbelievable heights, and left a man with naughty dreams at night. Remember when it only took a simple blush, and the innocent dimples of a woman's lust - to make a man rise with joy to think of her warm embrace, of a gentle kiss on his cheek or face. Remember when The bat of an eyelid or flirtatious grin, was all that it took, to stir him within. Her gentle glance as she looked his way, was all that he needed to make his day. Remember when The promise of tomorrow was a gesture so slight, just the touch of her hand on his arm or brow. Somehow, that was enough. Remember when The sound of her voice, that gentle sweet warble of her words so soft, was just what he needed to swell his thoughts. The things she said would linger in his ear, creating a longing, that he could only hear. Remember when Her delicate scent on a summer day, was all he required to make him sway. Yes, breathing deeply of her erotic air, was all that it took, to take him there. Those were the times some can remember, but most don't even know they existed. A gone-by time so long ago. A treasured existence, most will never know. How sad that now, the crude, crash, cymbals of brass and fouler play, are required for a man to stay. Have we lost a fairer part - by throwing away that long lost art. The art of sultry, teasing sort. The art of drawing thoughts to finer things. The art of tweaking to the sharpest point, a foreplay of exquisite delight, taking the mind by subtle fair, to a place beyond what's truly there. It's what you don't say, what you don't show, what you can't see, what you don't know - that truly blows the mind. ~ |