By sassy
Date: 2005 Jun 20
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All I Know

I know I should not be here
in this dark room, with you,
not my own.
I should turn from this tempation tide
that begs me to ride
and wade back to shore and safety
and the one I am supposed to love,
but I am powerless.
You look at me
like you know all my sercrets
and I believe that you do.
You know that you have pushed me
just as far as I can be pushed
and still I cannot run.
I sigh, and you tug my lower lip down
with your thumb and just that touch
roots me to the floor,
I can not, I will not turn away
and when you kiss me
I feel all my old ties unravel
and fall to the floor
where they are soon covered
by my dress
and all I know of this unknowable earth
is you.