By ginalans
Date: 2005 Aug 21
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2:46pm Saturday afternoon
He calls to tell me he is leaving work.  We are supposed to get together tonight, so my heart quickens as I now know he is going home to shower, shave & shine.  He said he would call when he was finished doing what he had to do at home.

8:30pm - Still no call, so I call him - all I get is voicemail, I hang up-whats the point leaving a message.

10:30pm - now I am drunk - He finally rings my phone.  Of course I am angry - He wants to know why I am giving him shit....... I just say goodbye and hang up.

I get my journal and this is what came out of my head
I HATE YOU - I need love, I need to feel what you say you feel for me, but instead I sit here alone, drunk, what the fuck is wrong with me?