By ~Harem~
Date: 2005 Aug 28
Comment on this Work

~ LOVE is Respect ~

Love is respect
as much as concern
a state of your being
not something you learn

Your feelings expressed
in the things that you do
the way that you treat me
they give me a clue

as to what you are feeling
when I'm holding your hand
your subtle suggestions
tell me just where I stand

It's not only your words
but your way of expression
your tone of delivery
when I look for affection

When I ask you a question
for mere conversation
You seem all annoyed
and even your expression

Portrays hidden anger
that you hold deep inside
perhaps former baggage
from the past you denied

Whatever the reason
for your chafe irritations
it leaves me quite stunned
from your ugly quotations

So please try to think
how this effects our romance
how can you expect
our love life to last

If all that I get
are snotty replies
to an innocent question
or a remark I comprise

The love you declare
so boldly for me
is dissolved in your cancer
and getting harder to see

Take a step back
from the veil of your shade
from your poisonous venom
while there's love left to save
