By ~Harem~ Date: 2005 Nov 18 Comment on this Work [[2005.]] |
I like men with full fructose lips. When I met him, I noticed his were thin and lifeless. I couldn't look at them. I was disappointed. You know when you put the quarter into the machine hoping that the prize you get will sparkle or be something you could really use - and then you get the colored rubber band, or the plastic ring that doesn't even shine. So here I was looking into the soft green eyes of a really sweet guy, who was so much fun to talk to - but his lips were too small to make my heart jump. So sad. But we purused the relationship in spite - that night. Heck - what's a lip here or there anyway? But - like the growth of a desert rose - much to my surprise; as we caressed and softly kissed, they began to swell, and quell my doubts about such trips on lips. I closed my eyes and let my lips do the walking across his face and he began to devour my kisses in such a way, that I'd have to say - I thought they'd burst from his lipping thirst - and now I've learned that thin lips can grow and bulge and puff and rise to my sweet surprise. Yum. |