By unconditional
Date: 2005 Nov 21
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Ok so this is how it ends
Nothing more than lovers
just a little less than friends
You wanna' play hard ball I'm the best at this damn game
And you'd think because I love you
You'd love me and treat me the same
Ok so you got what you wanted
I get  my stuff, I'll leave
But know that I won't be back
With a simple thank you, or please
Ok so this is how it ends
Not your lover, just a little less than friends
So whatever way you decide to go
I'll no longer be there
my feeling wont show
though I love you that you'll alway's know
My time with you is up now
I have to go
Ok so this is how it ends
Nothing more than lovers, just a little less than friends
You wanted to play hard ball I'm the best at this damn game
Too bad you lost