By K. Michel
Submitted by kiMichel81874
Date: 2005 Dec 18
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Time Passes By

Time passes us by beyond our control

we yearn for what we feel should be ours

but know will never be...

I have suffered long and hard

and yet I know it has not subsided

you fell through my fingers like grains

of sand

The hands that once grasped your every inch

has now grown cold without

The blood in my veins sometimes feels

as frigid as ice

The fire that set my heart aflame has now been

smothered by isolation

I feel the strong bones of your face...your jaw

pressing against my's all still so vivid

to not be alive

I feel your warmth under me like we have just finished

yet when I open my're not beside me

I wonder many a nights if there's anything that would

take this pain away from me

what I'd give to have you for just another moment

so I could feel your presence and have it take me

away like it has so many times where I forget that

other places even exist, but the one we share when

we are as one

why do I have to be without you

how can I go on

I have but one incentive to go on

otherwise my world would end so abruptly

so sad the way I've turned out

there must be a light to balance all this darkness

down the rode I hope to see a glimmer of hope

that might lead you back for I cannot fathom another

year...let alone...a lifetime without you