By iammyself
Date: 2006 Jan 05
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turn around

turn around

circles, cycles, rhythms
all coming back to where we started

turn around

as if we never had a chance
when fate finally had us parted

turn around

it was ever thus, with no way out
this inescapable burning need

turn around

as if what was chanced to grow
was doomed by a dead and sterile seed

turn around

we searched for a way to bind our wounds
and a way to salve our hurts

turn around

we listened to what was in our minds
but not to what was in our hearts

turn around

you called me vile names and more
and said i was to blame

turn around

i told you then, i tell you now
with me, it was never just a game

turn around

i loved you then, i love you still
and have enough for two

turn around

life forces on me a final choice
my heart hurts, love, for it cannot be you