By sassy
Date: 2006 Jan 28
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Raisins and Blueberries

In the long line
in front of us at WalMart
on a crazy afternoon,
a stooped and leathery old man
taps his hunched and silvery bride
on the arm.
"Why'd you get the kind with raisins?
You hate raisins."
And she mutters "No I don't,
I always get raisins."
He shakes his head,
"No, you get blueberries,"
and she says,"Oh, you're right."
He takes the box with him
one hand on his cane
and goes to get the blueberries.
She turns to us and laughs.
"We've been married so long
he knows me better than I know myself."
We laugh, and she smiles.
"It'll happen to you one day, too."