By maria perez
Submitted by mariaperez
Date: 2006 Mar 09
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I said it was over
I made it clear
My decision was final
after fifteen years
He loves me sincerely
I own his heart
but I chose to move on
I chose a fresh start
Why did I fight him?
He said he could change
I ran from his affections
constantly, everyday
What's up with me?
What's wrong with my head?
He offers love unconditionally
but I suffer instead

I tell myself it's over
I tell my self it's clear
My decisions always final
yet I hold him so dear
He leaves me no room
No space in my heart
to love myself instead of him
He rips me apart
Why not fight him?
Why not run away?
Fight the desire to love him
before it's too late
What's up with me?
What's wrong with my head?
I'm told I deserve better
but I suffer instead

Will it ever be over?
Will it ever be clear?
A contrast of two men
who bring me to tears
I opened that door
The one in my heart
to lock up the pain
I won't let it depart
I can't fight anymore
I cannot run away
I'm just lonely inside
Constantly, everyday
What's up with me?
What's wrong with my head?
I deny myself happiness
to suffer instead