By callaphair
Date: 2006 Mar 14
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10 years, 5 months, 26 days

It had been 10 years, 5 months and 26 days since I had heard that voice.  
I would have known it anywhere.  

I never expected to hear it again.  
I never wanted to hear it again.  
I wanted to forget you existed.  
I wanted to forget "we" existed.

All of a sudden, everything came back to me:
the pain,
the hurt,
the hopelessness,
the torment,
the suffering,
the despair.

I froze; experiencing such an intense visceral reaction I had to leave.  
Even after this long, just one singular word can debilitate me.

You hurt me in so many ways, I thought moving away would end my fear of running into you.  
I thought I would never again feel so violated, shamed and empty.  
I was wrong; it just took 3,832 days to happen.

I know I have made many mistakes in my life.
I thought letting you hurt me the first time was the biggest, but it wasn't.  
The biggest mistake I have ever made was thinking that you would never hurt me again.