By softreign
Date: 2006 Apr 11
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You're a God

To your friends you are a god
And I'm the whore you're redeeming
They think you walk on water and you're a saint
I wish they could see what I see and feel what I do
You're a mama's boy and a kiss ass and sometimes a doormat
You never stand up for me when your friends drag me thru the mud
You probably wouldn't stand up for yourself
You're a scared little boy who never hurts anyone's feeling
Except that is, for me
You're tearing me apart in pieces
And you're friends are there cheering you on
I hope you recognize what went wrong once I'm gone
Because I will not give you the words
Your silence will be your prison and you can tend to it alone
I refuse to be your warden anymore
I will not speak for you or tell you what to do
I hope your friends are as important when I'm gone as they are now
They can feed your soul through the bars of your silence
They'll feed you the same flattering bullshit you've been eating
for years
Whatever they want to say to get your assistance
Or money or a ride home when their drunk
I hope it's all worth it