By wolfscreamer
Date: 2006 May 07
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All of us who write here have been hurt,the reasons will vary from person to person,the reason for hurt be it betrayal,passing away,distance or just simply falling out of love doesn,t diminish the pain that we felt at the time.We hurt but the pain we feel is not physical,the term heartbreak is something moviemakers use but its real,its a real sensation,you feel that pain in your chest each and everyday,an emptiness like hunger but an emptiness that can,t be filled with a big mac and fries.Each day we go through the motions of a life,we work,sometimes eat,feign laughter with friends,usually drink to forget but just end up remembering,basically going through the motions.Eventually there comes a time when the pain eases a little and we pointlessly venture out into the real world again,I say pointlessly because we will always be comparing anyone new to the old model,unfair.After 20 years of pointlessness I find myself out there in the real world again with someone who for some god knows why reason loves me to bits...but its too late.My heart is too shredded now,I can,t give back the love that my head wants to give her,I hold her hand as we walk,I call her on the phone to ask how her day is going,I hold her as I watch her sleep at night,I kiss her lips as we make love and I hurt when she cries but my heart feels nothing.If its over its over,move on,make more mistakes.You will fall in love,you will get hurt and in turn you may hurt others its life,the way of things,just don,t get shredded.