By musicalduck
Date: 2006 May 20
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If I could fit us into a single sentence I would.
I would write it down on a piece of paper in bold font and post it up for everyone to see. The thing is, one sentence wouldn't even begin to describe us. You would know nothing about us from that sentence. I can't fit our importance into that short of space or the love I have into a few words. We are an essay, or maybe even a novel. One that will make you laugh, cry, and even be scared at times. You wouldn't want to put us down and read all through the night. I don't know what the name of our novel would be, but it would be romantic, enticing, entertaining, and fun. We would read it over and over again reminicsing. So maybe I can't fit us into a single sentence, but maybe one day we can write our book together.