By Abogada Submitted by Abogadalbny Date: 2006 Jun 09 Comment on this Work [[2006.]] |
"It is not the bars themselves, but the spaces between the bars that cage the tiger." Nights like tonight My attitude of gratitude seems lost on the floor of the public restroom in Penn Station Trampled upon by the urban goo That makes you cringe, but keep moving anyway Because you've got places to go Because you have to. What if I just stop? Move back home to the sweet and simple Midwestern country life? Ah hell, there's nothing for me there-- No cute young guy running a coffee shop like in the movies Nothing but me single at 34 when most of the people I went to high school with Are grandparents already. Move back to New York and live in the big city? Been there done that Ran away. How about back to the beach, living next to poor little rich kids who've never had jobs but somehow own condos and beamers and blow the rest of their trust funds on drugs? Yeah right. The first month it was an inspiring place to write. The rest of the summer, I grew tired of asking the assholes to sober up and move their Porsches so that I could get my Chevy Cavalier to work at 6am. I just keep running And all I want to do is find home. Every day I get too caught up in every day-- Something about all these monuments to democracy that surround me Tends to just suck my soul on the bad days. I'd like to blame it on Republicans, but I'm not really sure. I believe too much in this life When I know in my heart that this reality is just one layer Just one vision. I need to remember that this Isn't really real. |