By ~Harem~
Date: 2006 Jun 14
Comment on this Work

- It's What you DON'T Say -

I found that in writing,
people can see more if they
read between the Lines.
For the mind and the imagination
is not bound by words.

Haven't you ever noticed
that you can almost go crazy
by not knowing the details of something.
and your mind starts to play havoc
with the many thoughts that you begin
to conjure up.

You begin to distort the details
into splinters and marbles and such.
You can be so very vague that you
can drive your readers into a frenzy,
of desire, sadness and everything between,
by just the right choice of words,
but not too much.

You can be a seductive sirene by what you
DON'T say.

Let me show you. --

Diving deeper and deeper into your ocean
Learning the secrets which make you flow
Being pulled by your currents, further and further

Contemplating the treasures in your depth
A soothing motion propells me within your waves
Rocking me endlessly, to a beat that my shores can feel

Wow - what is that all about ?

Let your mind tell you by what I didn't say.

