By ~Harem~
Date: 2006 Jun 16
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* The NOSE always KNOWS *

Close your eyes
Move closer so I can feel your breath
Not too close
Just enough for our warmth to play
Do you trust me ?
Then I can trace your face
with my nose.
Softly pointed like a q-tip swab
as I move it across your bridge and cheeks
across the grain of your visage
gently over your lids
across the brow you gently raise
as I graze your faze
I poke my point in aperature too
nostrils wide - you feel my view
I slide the clef of your great chin
as I go from nose to silkened skin
then up your jaw and to your ear
my q-tip nose draws very near
it tickles too - your drum canal
my nasal wind so warm and moist
you hear my breath as heated voice
My nose does nudge
Your nose agrees
and soon were lost in nostril tease
back and forth - up and down
Nosey Nosey
feels so good
I slide my nose still further down
along the hills of your upper lip
Your lips soon quiver
as I edge them well
your mouth responds
and begins to swell
My nose has "down" that tickles too
I've traced your face
each and every inch
Now my Nose Knows you
Let the Kissing Begin.

