Date: 2006 Jun 19
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I've been discussing the topic of love with a few friends recently and we've come to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe, falling in love isn't some grand experience- no whistles, no bells.  Maybe it's as simple as being breathless in someone's presence.  Once you cut through the crap of "dating" and you get to the true heart of the person, maybe there's nothing left but to stand back and allow yourself to be completely blown away.  I think you fall in love with the little things.  Forget the grandiose, well-planned evenings.  It's eating at McDonald's with ketchup all over your face, while looking across the table and just thinking to yourself that you've never had a more romantic dinner.  And no matter how much you know it's going to hurt if you ever lose this wonderful person in your life, you still take the risk because experiencing this feeling is completely worth it.  Maybe that's what's wrong with people nowadays.  We're to chicken shit to take risks, too proud to be vulnerable to someone else, too analytical to just be breathless...