By blakey
Date: 2006 Jun 22
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Expiration date

Take a good look

Look on my arms,
Where you used to find security
Look on my chest,
Where you used to lay your weary head
Look on my shoulders,
Where you used to share your heavy burdens
Look on my feet,
Where you could count on them traveling anywhere to be with you
Look on my lips,
Where you used to share you desires
Look in my eyes,
Where you could always find truth and honesty

You won't find it

Do you remember calling me 'Hon' in the airport?
You probably didn't realize the similarities
Neither one of us has an expiration date
The passage of time means nothing
Honey will never get stale,
And I will always love you

You can put us in the back of the fridge,
Or on top shelf of the cupboard,
Or behind the canned meat in the pantry,
Or even in the bottom of the freezer

Do your best.

But when you're in dire need
For the sticky, sweet topping
That you drizzle over your biscuits
Or for a lover and friend
Who is there when all others have exceeded their 'use by date'
Dust us off
Warm us up
Give us a good squeeze
You'll soon forget why you put us away in the first place.