By angrykid
Date: 2006 Jun 23
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Its loud, her cries for me.
They ring through my head
Like church bells from a funeral.
Reminding me that all must die to be reborn
That the reason
She is kicking and screaming isn't me at all
But her own fears, Her own demons
Strangling her at night.

She thinks she needs me
As if I am some great savior who
Will pick her up and cleanse
Her of her sins
Of her mishaps

Forgiveness she is begging for
Like a child
Who broke your favorite possession
Your heart.
And now she is kicking and screaming
Child-like, trying to acheive
Sanctity in the holiness of my arms.

And I am no Savior, I will not
Forgive you and send you on your way
To repent.

I will not hold you close in my bosom
And make your pain better for you
I am not your Savior.

Silly woman, I am no missionary either.
I will not make your life better
By giving mine to you.
I will not give the last
Piece of my bread to you.

I will walk, and eat and be merry.
In my hearts own company.