By babygirl
Date: 2006 Jul 01
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I May Not Be.... But I am Me

I may not be a preacher
I may not be a star
I am not your destiny
but share with me who you are

Are you the one I should listen to
when you give your wonderful advice
or the one who said those awful words
with a heart as cold as ice

I know that you are not someone
who always means what they say
you proved this with your poem
that you wrote the other day

The one that says you would give everything
and says how I am so special
all these words are decieving
and for these lies you deserve a medal

I don't know what made you think
what you said to me wouldn't hurt me
I don't know who you are
to think you actually would deserve me

I may not be a saint
I may not be miss perfect
but I am who I am
and I know I didn't deserve that

I am not worthless
I am everything to some
I am a rock to many others
the one that holds them down

I am stronger than you know
and capable of a whole lot
I will leave me print in this world
despite the fact that you think I will not

My tombstone WILL NOT be blank
and I WILL be remembered
hopefully you'll be there to witness this
and an apology will render