By i'm just him
Date: 2006 Jul 07
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forever this way

Knowing that you're gone
I've haven't accepted that yet
So I still knock on the bathroom door
Asking "are you done yet"?
When I'm watching the football game
I still yell in the kitchen for a drink
And when I visit our friends
I tell them you'll be running a little late
When I feel it's cold
I lay the covers on you're side of the bed
My mind knows the truth
So I'm force to get into arguments with my head
Forgetting us is impossible to do
And I'll eventually come with the terms
That you and I are threw
It a happen, give it time
Don't bring it up, I'll just feel provoked
So if you don't mind can you scoot back
So my fiancé can pass me the TV. remote

~i'm just him~
  tru story