By ladyinwaiting
Date: 2006 Jul 09
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not today

i placed my items carefully in the pew before the event
me sitting beside you him at my side and her at yours
how ironic and uncomfortable this seems so i offer a mint
you remark with sarcasm
i should have guessed you would come prepared
and i think you've always been a poor excuse for a human
but not today, i will not allow you to affect me
as i watch my son
you know the one you were a sperm donor for
he glows with love as he watches her walk the isle
and i wonder did you ever see me in that light
before alcohol and drugs became your lover
his contentment beats the hell out of
his look of disappointment through the years
because you were never there
as he says i do
you bend over and ask does he need a lifesaver about now
no not today, i will not allow you to affect me
when it is time to exit you ask what do i do now
i think to myself you should have been here for rehearsal
better yet you should have been here for his life
then you would know
but not today, i will not allow you to affect me
i sit here beside you, you bastard
and damn your dysfunctional family
who are so codependent that they have enabled you
and i'm the bitch in their eyes the eyes that can't see
what they have done nor can they see what you are
or what you look like
can't they see your stomach
and how pathetic you look
like a toothpick with a pea attached
can't they see or they don't want to
but not today, i will not allow you to affect me
but tomorrow maybe your lover will be your death
and i will not allow you to affect me