By Lovecraft
Date: 2006 Jul 25
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Beauty Unparalleled

The hindrance was uncompromisingly difficult, but he would simply take a deep breath and overcome it. The air was hot and sticky, as he slowly made his way up the sidewalk, on his way home from school. It had been a long day, and as always it had been a fairly mediocre day at best. David's footfalls sounded like harrowing gunshots, as everything about him seemed to come to a screeching halt and allow a strange silence to take over, making the world seem so much more peaceful than it really was.
"Histrionics?" David said aloud, pondering on what it was that word was supposed to mean. He'd never been one to easily memorize his English vocabulary assignments. A small breeze swept upon him finally, and the trees seemed to sway ever so gently, their homogeneity very obvious as they did so. The sidewalk seemed to continue on forever, as David gazed upon it, its distance overwhelming him. "Hyperbole...a great exaggeration" he said to himself, still trying to go over his vocabulary, putting his true worries out of mind. Would he have a chance? Would it work? Was it even worth her time? All this and more was washing through his mind like a tidal wave, sweeping through his memory and crashing down upon him with the force of a thousand worlds, its cold metaphorical water taking him into a vague imagined hypothermia.
His desire for some sort of love or attachment had brought him to the ultimate Idée fix, of which he could no longer control. David was certain he would fail, but he would try nonetheless, he was tired of simply waiting for what would never come. It was time to do something about it, to give an effort, control his life, whatever the cost. His complicated idiosyncrasy was at times very distressing, but he had come to terms with it, learning how he could control it and adapt it to his surroundings like never before. Besides, what did he have to lose? Late nights had led him to pondering, and he had come to conclusion that if he had little of value in the first place, at least socially, then what did he have to lose? No longer would he accept the idea that he should believe it illicit for him to go for what he wanted. No longer would he stand by and let the world consume him, living in fear he could never break out of his shell and make a decision.
It was known that David was not immodest, but he felt sometimes as if he were. But would he let this stop him? No. Nothing could stop him now, he was determined; a walking soldier, a man on a mission. At this point he doubted anything could impair him, it was too late to turn back, the decision was made.
A road lie ahead, interrupting the old rugged sidewalk, with a long line of impenetrable traffic no less. The impasse was only temporary, after a moment the traffic began to miraculously clear, as if it were a sign from God. David quickly shuffled across the road, barely looking in both directions for oncoming cars. He made it quite safely to the other side, and began to peer up at the clear blue sky. Only a few clouds were in sight, all of them fluffy and beautiful in their own right. The sun was blazing down upon David, but no longer was he squirming in his heat, now he embraced it. A simple heat wave would not be impervious to him, no, not on this day. This was the day in which he would fully implement what he had wanted to do for so long, to give it a shot. Even if David were to go down in flames, at least he'd have tried, which was not the case in past experiences (some of which were amazingly horrid).
Dave had decided he would simply call her; he had perceived that it may be an easier task if done over the phone...or would it be just as hard? He didn't know anymore, it all seemed to blur together, like a distortion-plagued image on a theater screen. In a sudden instant, David became awestruck. There she was, standing beside a tall oak tree, wearily gazing up at the sky. Her sheer beauty rendered him absolutely impotent, and his he felt his knees begin to weaken. "Well...maybe it's better I do it now" David muttered to himself. He took a deep breath, exhaled, and began to approach her.
As he made his way toward her, she turned her gaze upon him, her exuberant blue eyes examining his figure. She was the prettiest girl he had ever seen; nothing could possibly outshine her absolute beauty. In his eyes, all the women in the world could not compare to her, no matter who it may be. A sudden breeze blew her hair across her perfect face, and she swiftly brushed it back. Its pure blackness seemed to pull him closer and closer as he walked, and David wanted to reach out and touch her graceful hair. His proximity was becoming even vaster, and she smiled at him with her shining white teeth as he paced towards her.
"Uh...Sabrina...I was going to...I wanted to..." David felt his words failing him. She seemed to have no heard him. Oh God, I am messing this up terribly he thought to himself. He felt inferior to her, and he was quickly running out of power, he felt his courage draining from him. She didn't seem to notice, and then she spoke:
"So anyhow, I see you walking home everyday from school, and you look pretty lonely. I though today I would meet you here and I could walk with you."
"Uh...well thanks. That means a lot to me you know" And with that the two of them began walking silently together. David felt awkward but he didn't know what he could say to change his uncomfortable position, and he certainly couldn't bring himself to just get things over with. It seemed he had messed up, and now it was too late to fix things. Here he was with the girl of his dreams, and he couldn't bring himself to tell her how he felt. Surely if she knew, she would be appalled and impugn him, or so he thought. Once more, she began to speak:
"So anyhow David, well...I was just thinking..."
"Well I think you are a great guy, I just wanted to know if maybe you would like to go on a date with me some time."
"Uh...yeah sure. That would be nice," he said with more confidence than he even realized he had. David was utterly shocked that she felt that way about him, and in his own mind he was cheering joyfully, screaming with victory and happiness. He looked into her stunning eyes that exuded an unbelievable beauty (words could never possibly be arranged to describe them). Sabrina's beauty was shining like never before, and David felt her hand grasp his, and the two of them walked silently onward, as the bright fiery sun shown down upon them, it's rays lighting them like the wonders they were. At that moment David loved the world.