By Sarah143 Date: 2006 Aug 22 Comment on this Work [[2006.]] |
I once was an ocean, full of salted crystals and rain from heaven. You drank me in with every glance. I captured you swiftly, and swallowed you in waves like a ship lost to the horizon. But after the searing orb of gold came down relentlessly upon me, I dried, revealing dust and one lowly willow. And now you look upon me with disgust, a sulking, down trodden, vision, drowned long ago. I know I could grow if you held me up, I know my spirited waves could once again cover this sickly tree, But you refuse and so I sink lower until the dust is all that you see and your feet will be planted firmly over a barren grave. So will lie my spirit, once your great ocean. So will die our love.... |